Welcome to MyAmberShop's Baltic amber jewelry blog. We hope that in these pages you will find interesting information, see some inspiring and captivating pieces of amber jewelry, share some of your own photos, comments musings on amber and it's many charms and become a regular member of our micro-community with a common love.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Bridal Favorites - Milky, Butterscotch Amber Maintains Popularity

In September I blogged about the popularity of the milky amber and I continue on the theme this month. The pieces with white and yellow amber attract brides looking for wedding jewelry. They variation of this color stone creates a subtle but beautiful accent to the bride or the bridal party. The smooth creamy look of the more solid color of amber photographs beautifully and we would love to see some brides send in photos of their amber weddings!

With amber's history and associations with healing qualities no wonder brides around the world are choosing this living gemstone as the adornment on their special day!